Monday, August 24, 2015

ITUC Belgium, members and Sharan Burrow exposed about false labour issues

ITUC Belgium, members and Sharan Burrow exposed about wrong labour issues
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On 16 July we have expressed legitimate concerns regarding ties ITUC - the International Trade Union Confederation - and the communications company that counts among its appendices organization "Walk Free". "Walk Free" that, before the vote that confirmed Blatter as the head of FIFA, attacked the Swiss leader promoting the candidacy of his rival, Prince Hussein Bin. Article ipotizzavamo a privileged relationship between the dangerous and perhaps and the ITUC; in particular, we put emphasis on possible undeclared American interference in the politics of the International Trade Union Confederation. Detailed cutting weight, whereas the ITUC, just in Qatar, he let out full names of employees who have worked to reveal the working conditions in force in the country, putting them clearly in danger.

It is therefore with some surprise that we found out a few days ago, the General Secretary of the ITUC, Ms Sharan Burrows, has retweeted a quote from our article: "The American organization walks free (whose objective is to change the opinion of the masses) supports the ITUC Sharan Burrow and in defense of American interests in Qatar.” In doing so Mrs. Burrows confirmed that the ITUC is involved in a media campaign against Qatar and FIFA, on behalf of the US government. It cannot make abstraction of the fact that Qatar has seen attribute sampled football in 2022 with two votes difference damage precisely the United States. In light of the above it seems that the complaints about the working conditions of migrants in Qatar have become the pretext for regular accounts that go beyond the normal duties of a trade union. And this is not nice.